Yes, this is our future pride, this is what will make the project unique.

22 Jul 2022, 13:22
Yes, this is our future pride, this is what will make the project unique. First, however, the focus is on developing and launching the Farming feature and providing more trading activity on Soldex. Running automated trading bots with very little trading activity in this state of the market will not produce an overall positive result. In other words, we will shed light on our bots in front of you a bit later, as we want to deal with Farming first. 📍The idea of running Staking on an additional MEXC exchange. It's not a bad idea that we like. I will tell you more, we have already contacted the team of this exchange and are discussing the details to implement the idea, stay tuned! 📍Launchpads. This is not in Soldex's plans at the moment, because Solana space has too many launchpads, and the new one is in no way in demand at the current stage of the market. A decision was made to remove this event from the roadmap for the aforementioned reason. 📍AMA with you. The idea is very good and I think it will be good for all of us - you will learn more about development and promotion at Soldex and we will get feedback. I think we need to wait a bit longer with this and at least wait until Farming launches. I'm sure by then you'll have new questions that I can answer already in the AMA. I'm sure we should discuss this again when Farming launches. 📍The last and probably most important point is uniqueness. At this stage Soldex is almost no different from other projects, as sad as it may sound. But I want to emphasize that at this stage and at this moment. The first significant breakthrough will be the launch of Farming and then the launch and functioning of AI bots, which has already been mentioned in detail above. I hope you understand our strategy and share it with us. Thank you all for your attention! I hope I answered your questions. Thank you!