Hello, Soldex. I hope you are having a great week.

07 Jan 2022, 12:06
Hello, Soldex! I hope you are having a great week! Here's the first development update of 2022, we hope to bring more of those in the upcoming weeks! Blockchain: - Deployment of Dex on Testnet to generate Market & get listed Market Id, Asks, Bids, coin vault, pc vault, vault_signer_key - Deployed on Testnet, fetched MarketId - Create token for market & mint then wrap - Create Pool & Deposit Token In pool - Integrating with FE - Create Token Pair & set token price - Open - Add pair in Pool - Open Backend: - API Created to save Transaction with Transaction Hash deployed on Development server - API to save transaction hash is created and deployed on Development server - Backend API swagger deployed for DB tables - Save Token swap details into DB - Development Inprogress using Web hook to save all transaction - Save pool info & Pool List into DB - Open - Fetch info for Add Liquidity into pool with Pool Id and save into Database Frontend: - Implement Soldex Swap UI over swap code - Inprogress with minor Cosmatic changes approx 10-15% - Perform swap - Inprogress, Required Market Id and Pool Info required to perfrom token Swap - Create Pool with Market Id - Inprogress (1. Market Id Added, & fetched information from Id, 2. Price for Pool is initilized 3. Initilize Liquidity wihich required 2 Transaction approval from wallet in creating pool, in which 1 transaction approval is recived, In 2nd transaction getting rejected for transaction, checking the root cause behind 1 transaction fail. After that we will recive ammid then LP, then create pool) - Add Liquidity section - Open - consume swap details from API - Open DevOps: - Frontend & Backenc Server setup is Deployed - Frontend & Backend code deployment CI/CD pipeline deployed using Github Acction & Github runner - Data base on development server setup and database structure imported. - Create devops Document on Confulance Published - Domain mapped Recently, we partnered with 2 major projects in Solana: Larix and Atrix. Today we had a voice AMA session with the team of Larix project, hopefully summary will be published soon in the Larix community. Additionally, we recorded a podcast about Web3/DeFi/Solana together with Atrix that will be published in the Atrix blog later this month. Let us all stay strong during these bear market times and look forward to good news 🚀