Hello Soldex Community,. 3 has been released to the Mainnet. POOLS Page:. - 'Yearly APR%' renamed to 'APR'.

22 Jun 2022, 09:07
Hello Soldex Community, 👋 v0.3.3 has been released to the Mainnet POOLS Page: - 'Yearly APR%' renamed to 'APR' - 'Total Liquidity' renamed to 'Liquidity' - Numbers are formatted to 100,000.00 format SWAP Page: - Show user balance for selected 'TO' token - Updated SWAP Rate info - Default token amount is 0, which is removed when text field is active - Amount of FROM tokens is not changed when tokens are switched their places, 'TO' amount is recalculated automatically - Token balance for 'FROM' is clickable and has the same behavior as 'MAX' button - UI changes such as font size, paddings, etc changed - Fixed SWAP logic for tokens that are in our pools and are in Jupiter in some tokens - Disabled SWAP for our pools if price impact more than 10% - Show price impact warning notification for all types of swap - Use Jupiter if our price is worse than Jupiter's price of more than 1% - Allow choosing the amount of the first token if tokens are not selected General: - Added tx status pop-ups for different operations deposit and withdrawal - overall fixed some bugs and performance issues We also encourage you to check out the mainnet and submit bug/feedback requests. You can do that here: