Hello Soldex Community,. 1 has been released to the Mainnet -. General:. - Fixed tx status pop-up sizes.

08 Jul 2022, 13:27
Hello Soldex Community, 👋 v0.4.1 has been released to the Mainnet - General: - Fixed tx status pop-up sizes - Added 'Swap' title for the main screen - Add pop-ups for 'In Progress' tx states - Added Soldex GitHub link - - Added Soldex Soldex Docs link - SWAP Page: - Fixed paddings for opened/closed pool info - Added 'No routes found' message if there are no routes for the selected token pair - show SOL label only when SOL token is selected - 'We recommend having at least 0,05 SOL for any transaction' shows only for selected SOL token - Fixed maximum SOL amount calculation in some cases Pools Page: - Fixed table header in tablet and mobile screens - Fixed APR column info for mobile screens