Good day Soldex community. Arthur here, I'll be the one leading the investigation process of additional SOLX tokens creation.

22 May 2023, 08:07
Good day Soldex community. Arthur here, I’ll be the one leading the investigation process of additional SOLX tokens creation. We left you in some dark but that’s only because we’re in the dark as well. What do we know so far: - We’re certain that not the CURRENT team members managed to do this. We checked absolutely everything that was in our hands including chat histories, access history and IPs to certain files, code, etc. - SOLDEX project had more than 3 different development teams before. Some inner conflicts occurred before with some previous team members (devs, tech leads) but all of that were sorted peacefully. (Or at least we hoped so) For the time being, we cannot be 100% sure who exactly did that, but we do have some information that we can look into for the files access logins including some IP addresses from the location that corresponds to previous development team. We can’t be sure that no VPN was used, but we’re doing everything in our hands to confirm that before taking official actions. OUR AIM is to take over the wallet and BURN the additionally created tokens. That’s our main aim & goal. We’re not receiving any replies from the people behind the potential suspects yet. We managed to receive some replies from one of the previous dev. team but nothing much besides “We have no idea what you’re talking about.” Which isn’t confirming anything. We’re on this with all the resources we have. As soon as I have more information to share, I will do so. ——————- Those wondering “How can other people have access to sensitive information???” Well even though we revoke any access to ALL files and logins when someone leaves or something changes inside, we cannot control IF anyone isn’t creating backups. We can guarantee that codebase & dApp private keys are 110% safe. Same thing applies to pretty much every small tech project. Most of the times nobody has the motivation to do bad.. From our side we can see that some security measures were not the strictest back at the day. Even though nobody can make sure that NO ONE will create any kind of backups, we expected everyone to cooperate peacefully. We have to accept what happened and do our best to find the solution. We’re happy that not the codebase is manipulated as that’s the most expensive part of the whole project. As mentioned, as soon as I have more updates to share, I will.