Dear Soldex Community,.

01 May 2022, 11:41
Dear Soldex Community, I am thrilled to announce that a new GM (General Manager) - Iaroslav @IaroslavDeFi is joining the team to lead the next phase of the project as we roll out and scale the capabilities and technology of the DEX. Iaroslav brings a wealth of experience working behind the scenes in DeFi projects and as a very successful DeFi yield farmer and degen early in his career. I will remain with the team and will be moving to the role of Product Strategy, where my skills of product management, trading bots, and DeFi economics will be better applied. This will also allow me to support and advise Iaroslav to ensure the smooth hand over and make sure we all work as a team to bring Soldex to the next level and beyond. On behalf of all the team members, Iaroslav and myself thank you for the support. Keep watching this space for more updates! Max